Mindful Eating

About Mindful Eating ME

Create a more satisfying relationship with food and eating than you ever imagined or experienced before. If you feel your current way of eating is restrictive, obsessive or unsustainable; if you feel guilty or disappointed around food, discover Mindful Eating (ME).

ME does not interfere with any other food plan, in fact, it enhances any current nutritional or “diet” plans you may be using. Many explore ME for weight loss, which is often a side affect of eating mindfully.

ME focuses your attention on the present moment, which in turn, helps you disengage from habitual, unsatisfying and unskillful eating habits. Curious, call 4153569809 and leave a confidential voicemail with information about 2 or 3 days/times to call you back, and at which telephone number. Take the first step! It's an easy one.

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